Kyrgyzstan nation

We tried to explain this transcription is also different; in the first syllable, which is, as we shall see later in the form of Gyan saw the transfer of the name of the river, "Who", the second - the transfer of the name of the river "Orkhon" and therefore believed that the Chinese have named as the area between Yenisei and Orkhon. Yenisei, in fact, wore the Turkish people have always called the "Who," but the Chinese passed the word to other kanji, not to those who passed the first part of the name of Kirghiz. The second part, indeed, passed by the same hieroglyph, which later became known as the Orkhon river, so that it can be assumed that in the name of the Kyrgyz people have heard the end of the Chinese nasal sound. According to Pelliot, we have here the singular formation of the Mongolian - kyrkun. Since the Chinese are likely to learn about Kyrgyzstan from their neighbors of the Huns, then this would be confirmed by the opinion of the Pelliot mongolism this nation. 

The story of the event 201 BC does not say anything about the area of ​​the Kirghiz, nor about its location, but with the Kirghiz, obviously, as their neighbors, called, among other things, the people Dinlin (Ting ling), which saw the ancestors of so-called "Yenisei Ostyaks." On this basis, we can assume that the Kirghiz, even then, as later, lived on the Yenisei.